This week’s Get Jiggy Sunday Weight Loss Puzzle is inspired by the Gambel Quail – one of Tucson’s finest! Gregarious, jaunty, plumed topknot, weighing in at a mere 5.7 ounces – the Gambel Quail is ever present. The mommy and her babies sprightly in manner, walk about with a jaunty step. Let’s walk with them!!!…

“In this day and age, people’s lives are filled with so much stress and activities,” says Kathleen Thurston, a Buddhist meditation instruction and Feng Shui consultant …. “that we actually think that multi-tasking is an asset. Yet it is just another way of creating distractions for ourselves.  Doing so many things at once makes it…

Today’s GET JIGGY Weight Loss JIGSAW Puzzle was inspired by an amazing quote from Coco Chanel! “Since everything is in our heads, we had better not lose them.” ~ C.C. While that used to be true and still may be for many, I’m thinking the appropriate quote for these hi-Tech days is: “Since everything is…

Dear Our Lady of Weight Loss ~ What do you do after you lose weight (almost 100 lbs), and then start gaining it back (almost 30 lbs. back)?  I am still working out, which is a good thing. How do I get my weight loss groove back???????? It was almost effortless before.  I so realize…

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