It’s Passover week and Our Lady of Weight Loss admittedly is a Matzo Brie freak!  Seriously!  She will whip up a batch for anyone visiting, at any time.  She makes the cold water and hot water varieties.  If you look at the ingredients of Matzo Brie (see below), it is evident that it is a…

Chances are you’ve heard about the Laws of Attraction. The basic concept is that you attract into your life whatever you think about.   Positive thoughts and beliefs create a positive life; negative thoughts and beliefs attract negativity. One sure way to get those positive vibes swirling out there is to be attracted to yourself,…

I have in the past written about the difference between being assertive and aggressive – and advocated for the assertive side of life – stating that there’s no need to bring the police into the picture!!!!  (Referencing an incident I had –or created, depending on your point of view – in an Italian restaurant in…

“I deserve …”  Go ahead, fill in the blank.  You’ve had a truly difficult day and you deserve what?  The Cinnabon?  The one from the mall whose calorie count is a whopping 720 calories per bun?  Whose fat and carb count are beyond the beyond? “I worked hard today and I deserve _______.”  Go ahead,…

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