While perusing and cruising the vast world of food and recipes, I stumbled upon one recipe that warned, “One must hard boil their eggs correctly.” Correctly?  You mean you don’t just boil them?  It’s more complicated than that??? My head is spinning … …And I’m guessing that if I didn’t know how to correctly boil…

The great teachers tell us that you cannot start seeing or understanding anything when you start with “no.” Here, 10 quotes to an inspire a wholehearted yes to the present moment, yes to life, yes to love! “Always say ‘yes’ to the present moment… Surrender to what is. Say ‘yes’ to life – and see…

This week’s Get Jiggy Weight Loss JigSaw Puzzle, The Three-Tiered Cupcake,  is inspired by the curiously charismatic cupcake.  Our Lady of Weight Loss reminds us that we can wear it in one of two ways.  On our hips or on our heads!   It’s your choice! As you click through:  The Three-Tiered Curiously Charismatic Cupcake contemplate…

I’ve often wondered how the words “weight loss” resonate with our psyche. The mere mention of either word often brings forth a myriad of uncomfortable thoughts and feelings. Imagine the two strung together. Over the years, as a Weight Loss Coach, I’ve tried using other words and phrases, i.e. slim down, let go of excess…

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