Definition of a victim:  a person to whom life happens. ~ Peter McWilliams Are You a Food Victim???  I hesitate to use the word “victim,” because it is such a strong word. But I’ve just got to ask … are you? a food victim? no? are you sure??? If you think that something or someone…

“People are lonely because they build walls instead of bridges.” ~ Joseph F. Newton When people ask me what I “do,” I tell them that I build bridges. “Not like The Queensboro Bridge or the Golden Gate Bridge,” I say, “My clients and I, together, build a Creative Bridge that ultimately transforms their dreams into…

Recently, a client confessed that the number on the scales of injustice determines her mood for the day.  She is not alone, is she?  For those who have way too much invested in “that” number, here are some tips on the highs n’ lows of weighing in. 5 Happy Steps: Smile and The Scales Of…

Last night, we went to a small gathering; a dinner party. Big fun! Aside from the 5 yum food, the great conversation, giggles, chortles and belly laughs, we climbed up onto the roof and looked down on Tucson. What a magnificent view; magical place. Next time, I’ll bring my camera. Anyway…my contribution to the dinner…

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