People often tell me that they are trying to control their eating. Control their inclinations, their impulses, their evil ways; their thoughts, their emotions, their actions. They are trying to exercise restraint or direction over; to dominate, to command, to hold in check, curb. Exercising control sounds like a devilishly daunting task, doesn’t it? Here,…

Set your clocks, Tushkateers*! The longest day of the year a.k.a. the Summer Solstice, is scheduled to arrive on Saturday, June 21 at 6:51 a.m. EDT, at which time the Earth’s northern hemisphere faces, most directly, toward the sun. In that moment, or minute (6:51 a.m. EDT), the sun, when viewed from planet Earth, appears…

Did you know that crying is an effective way to cleanse the soul; a way to wash out the contained, confined emotions; both happy and sad, joyful and disappointing that sometimes lodge themselves deep within causing fatigue or pain, and sometimes dis-ease? Crying helps us to feel better, whether our challenges and problems persist or…

People tell me that they begin their diets (a.k.a. healthy living plans) by cutting back on or eliminating high fat and/or sugary foods. Sounds like a smart place to start? Maybe yes, but maybe no! Maybe, just maybe, a better place to start, a more comfortable and effective way to manifest new, healthy habits is…

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