I was working with a client this morning who happened to be having a particularly tough day.  She was suffering. As we did our best to unpack, look at and ultimately work through her suffering; she let it go, which left her free to enjoy her day! Here… 10 Simple Steps: How to Survive a…

People often begin their journey on the road to Sveltesville without fully knowing how they are going reach their goal(s). They “decide” to go on a “diet.” They want to lose weight. They are willing to change their relationship with food, but they haven’t truly thought through the specifics of a solid, sustainable, “how to”…

The great teachers tell us that you cannot start seeing or understanding anything when you start with “No.” “Why is that?” you ask. Because… …Starting with “Yes” does not mean that you jump in happily with a perfect 2-foot landing. “Yes” is about acceptance, which means you abandon labels (like lazy), and you attempt to…

Our body image (a.k.a. body esteem) is the picture we have of our physical body. It is an inner view of our outer self. It is formed by our awareness, imagination and emotions. It is ever shifting. Our body esteem not only depends upon our pant size or the number that registers on the “scales…

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