How Excited and Inspired Are You, Really? Are the goals you set your own, or are they coming from the 'shoulds' - 'musts' and 'have tos' that other people have laid upon you? If you are not excited, forgetaboutit.

Whether you are one of the 44% of Americans who make New Year's resolutions or not, the new year does present an opportunity to reassess, revamp and revive. Today, Janice Taylor, your Weight Loss Success Coach shares 10 tips that will help you to keep the energy going!

Research shows that when we help another, we are at the same time helping ourselves. Studies also show that laughter is a key ingredient to permanent fat removal! Therefore, Our Lady of Weight Loss, the patron saint of permanent fat removal has created e-Postcards from the Diet Edge. Sure to inspire, motivate and bring a…

With the advent of electricity, we have created an artificial light that reaches far into the winter nights; thus, allowing us to stay up later than we should and keeping us working harder than we ought to. We don't allow ourselves time to rest and renew. Nor do we allow ourselves time to let our…

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