Size Matters! In a survey commissioned by the American Institute for Cancer Research, 78% of respondents said that eating certain types of food while avoiding others was more important to their weight loss efforts than eating less food. Wrong! By all means, make healthy choices, but … effective weight loss plans place equal importance on…

One of the Kick in the Tush Club members and participant of the Fill Up On Happiness e-diet coaching program wrote me and asked for a few simple diet tips. Dear Our Lady of Weight Loss ~ I am loving being a part of the Kick in the Tush Club and the Happiness e-diet is…

Morning All, I am inspired by the emails that I am receiving from y’all telling me what you are giving up and/or adding to your lives during Lent (the 40-day liturgical season that begins on Ash Wednesday and concludes at the Great Vigil of Easter), thus, the above Our Lady of Lent! Some are giving…

CALORIES RULE The largest-ever controlled study of weight-loss methods was published this week in the New England Journal of Medicine. More than 800 overweight adults were assigned to one of four diets that reduced calories through a variety of combinations. No one ate fewer than 1,200 calories per day! At the end of this two…

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