Do you think that your need to be fixed?  Because, I am here to tell you that there is nothing wrong with you!  That’s right.  There. Is. Nothing. Wrong. With. You.  Nothing needs to be ‘fixed.‘  Nothing! You simply need to understand what your ‘dysfunctions’ are and honor them.  Go with them!  (Huh? What?  If…

Because today is Friday the 13th, a day that is associated with bad luck, I thought it a good idea to take a look at luck!  Most especially, how to avoid bad luck, ward off evil spirits, and finally, how to create good luck.  Read on and click through the Beliefnet special gallery piece as…

  Hola Tushkateers,  Que tal?  Que pasa?  Whassup?  How’s it goin’? All A-Okay here.  If you have been reading my almost daily posts on or the KITT Club/FB, you may have heard me speak about my declutter project.  Yes, I am in the midst of the biggest declutter campaign ever, in the history of…

This past weekend (yes, Memorial Day Weekend), Our Lady of Weight Loss and I headed to the beach.  It was too cool for a swim, for sure, and too traumatic to step into a bathing suit, for sure.  For both of us.  Even though, I permanently removed over 50 pounds over a decade ago (that’s…

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