Once upon a time, a chubby young woman was wandering about in the Land of the Lost and Found Pounds, thinking self-deprecating thoughts when she ran into the Goddess of Forever Thin. She said, “Hi Goddess. You are wise, and I am desperate. I want to lose weight once and for all. My triple X…

For many #harmony is thought of as a tuneful sound, a combination of musical notes in a chord, a pleasing arrangement of parts; living in accord with others; an internal calm.  Here, 9 #harmony quotes to help you to define and then live in harmony, an exquisite place to be sure! “You are only afraid…

Dear Our Lady of Weight Loss,   I just turned 60.  After ten years of lifting weights and lots of walking, I let myself “go,” as in I am out of shape.  And, sadly, the weight that I worked so hard to remove is finding its way back. I tried to get back into the exercise…

This week’s Get Jiggy Weight Loss JigSaw Puzzle, entitled:  “Tough Choices: Fruit or Cake?” by Janice Taylor, Weight Loss Artist (that’s me), gives food for thought. As you click through, contemplate your choices, weave them into your path, see where you are actually headed and decide if that’s where you want to go! The Puzzle? …

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