Further my yesterday’s post, “3 Steps to Waking Up Happy,” here today a dozen “morning” quotes that can serve as morning affirmations, as well. Wash your mind with these magically filled, precious morning gems that can help you to tap into the goodness and possibility that this morning and every morning has to offer. Start…

Greetings!  Get thy May Pole out of storage, Tushkateers!  May Day is swiftly upon us.  It is time to grab hold of the ribbon and dance! Yes?!  It may be well worth the effort.  Not just for the sheer joy of it, but also because of the May Pole dancer’s ability to burn calories!!!  If…

Recently, I was speaking with a client who was very (very!) upset! “I weighed 170 last week,” she said,  “and this morning, I weighed 173.”   Apparently, she had what she considered to be a horrific week and for a myriad of most excellent reasons; mind-twisting, life and death reasons, she ate and ate some more…

We are all wonderful, beautiful wrecks.  That’s what connects us—that we’re all broken, all beautifully imperfect.  ~ Emilio Estevez Greetings, Salutations, Howdy and Hola Tushkateers, How are y’all doin’ this fabulous day?  Feeling accepting and happy with your SELF?   Based on emails that I received from Tushkateers across the land and a few conversations I’ve…

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