It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere. ~ Agnes Repplier Greetings TUSHKATEERS!!!!  How are you on this fine September day?  Peachy keen?  Right as rain?  Happier than a hot frog on a cool summer’s night?  (I just made that up. 😉  I’m well, thanks! …

Our Lady of Weight Loss has been ‘after’ me, nagging at me, telling me to put together a mega-list of diet/weight loss tips for y’all. (I’m telling you … she is quite the boss.) Thing is, I wanted to put together a mega-list of diet tips that are ‘new’ to you.  Diet tips that make…

 TURN A DEAF EAR TO CAKE Many of my clients tell me that they feel as if they are entitled to a treat after a long, hard day at work or a complicated day at home.  “I deserve to have a piece of cake.” The truth is that you deserve way more than a slice…

This morning, while perusing the Internet in search of inspired and inspiring quotes that motivate, provide a jolt of energy, help me to move from here to there … … In this case, from summer to autumn (as we are post Labor Day), I stumbled upon this quote, which made me chuckle. “Deep summer is…

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