We cannot live the afternoon of life according to the program of life’s morning; for what in the morning was true will in evening become a lie. ~ C.G. Jung A few weeks ago, Darling Husband (DH) and I went to the Rose Center for Earth and Space a.k.a. the planetarium to see, ingest, experience…

You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? ~ Rumi TUSHKATEERS!!! Greetings to YOU, one n’ all!!!!    Are you ready for yet another fabulous August day!!!   Are you ready to spread your wings and fly through the summer skies (vs. crawling through the heat of summer)?  Isn’t the above Rumi quote amazing? …

Chewing the FAT with Our Lady of Weight Loss, the patron saint of permanent fat removal Dear OLofWL ~ I’ve heard you say that one should, if one really wants to lose weight, “make your home your safe haven.”  What exactly do you mean by that?~ One Confused Mary Good question, Confused Mary, Well ……

Before you can achieve what you want, you need be know what you want… … What you really, really want. Not what you think you ‘should’ want or what others want for you, but what you really, really want! While you are playing this week’s JigSaw Weight Loss Puzzle, “Want Power vs. Will Power,” which…

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