Pick a word, any word.    This week’s get jiggy Weight Loss JigSaw Puzzle: “One Word Meditation” is inspired by the word!  Any word! 1. Pick a word, any word. 2. Slowly repeat your chosen word in your mind’s eye. 3. Pay attention to the silence between the words. 4. Follow your breath. This is a…

Sometimes unseen forces zap our energy, nibble away at our resolve and either send us on an unfortunate detour or stop us entirely in our tracks, moving us away from manifesting our goals.  These “things” are not obvious to the conscious mind, but they are computed and picked up by our unconscious, and they do…

The concept of earthing, a.k.a. grounding, is in simplest terms, waking barefoot.  And, in doing so you ground yourself to the earth, whose energy can help you to live a healthier and therefore happier life. On an intuitive level, it makes sense, yes?  After all, walking barefoot feels good.  Your skin is a very good…

One of my favorite things to do when having dinner parties — especially a holiday party — is to wrap the silverware in quotes!  People unwrap their forks n’ knives and read their quotes aloud, pass them around.  People want to know, “What does yours say?”  It has a fortune cookie effect.  Fun, good conversation…

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