Our Lady of Weight Loss

The NOW Foundation launches its "Love Your Body" campaign this Wednesday, October 20. In recognition here follows 10 of Our Lady of Weight Loss's favorite Love Your Body quotes - to inspire and to ignite self-love!

Today's Get Jiggy Weight Loss JigSaw Puzzle is inspired by the Buddha's words ... "Our body is ... a vehicle for awakening. Take good care of it." Enjoy clicking through, as you keep your mind and hands busy!

Why would this 50 pound weight-loss-winner, the voice of Our Lady of Weight Loss volunteer to bring - of all things - dessert? And why "Fresh Figs Drizzled with Love?" Tune in, taste it and hum!

The body needs time to rest and repair. If your body doesn't get the rest it needs, it basically "believes" that it is under constant threat. If you are under prolonged stress, your body refuses to give up stored fuel. Fat is designed as a storage tank for energy, and regular rest allows the body…

I researched Meridia and found that there was a link between this drug and the risk of heart attack and stroke. In addition, I discovered that the drug had already been recalled in Europe, after a research report known as SCOUT (Sibutramine Cardiovascular Outcomes Trial) was published. .... read on!

You might want to give some thought to the color of your altar. This was a complicated decision for me. Although we are talking about weight loss here, for me - weight loss is a vehicle for reinvention and transformation. It's as much about love, energy, health, spirit, creativity, self-control, and re-birth as actual pounds…

As a Weight Loss Success Coach, you can bet your bottom dollar that 'cravings' is a topic that rises to the top often! Rather than trying to 'kill the craving,' or beat up on yourself for being weak and having zero will power, here follows a more 'sane' approach!

According to the American Psychiatric Association, "a phobia is an irrational and excessive fear of an object or situation. In most cases, the phobia involves a sense of endangerment or a fear of harm." For example, those suffering from fat-suit-aphobia fear being trapped in a fat suit, never being able to realize their full potential.

Imagine, if you will, an Our Lady of Weight Loss approved comfort food! This Classic Potato Salad recipe will wow you and your guests. For the full Zen experience, practice deep breaths while you chop, cube and mix!

Studies in the US show that pumpkin seeds may help reduce hormone damage to the prostate, which in turn lessens the risk of developing prostate cancer. They've been used in certain areas of Europe to treat learning disorders. In China, pumpkin seeds are used to ward off depression, and pumpkin seed oil has been used…

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