Our Lady of Weight Loss

Before you uncover your grill and get your beef patties a burnin,' and your buns a toastin,' please do take a moment to ingest these hale & hearty and healthful tips from the master of permanent fat removal, Janice Taylor (50 pound big-time-loser).

People please! These rumors are getting to me. I'm about ready to eat something to stuff down the silliness of it all!!! But instead, I'm going to share Zach Anner's video and slim down while I laugh it up!

In celebration of Summer Solstice, Our Lady of Weight Loss shares her best "Chase the Devil" Away ritual. Add fire, color and happiness to your life NOW.

Today's GET JIGGY Weight Loss Jigsaw Puzzle was inspired by a Duz detergent advertisement from 1954. I've been cutting and pasting and playing and the "DUZ IT" piece is a work in progress. But I just had to stop and magically turn it into a jigsaw puzzle to share with you

Having traveled from one coast to the other, changing time zones and lugging my baggage (both physical and mental) with me all throughout the day, I found that upon arriving at my destination, my energy was waning. I was in need of a boost! My first instinct was to stop at the local shopping center…

Today, June 17th, is yet another 'bizarre' yet wonderful holiday! "Eat Your Vegetables Day" falls smack dab in the middle of National Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Month! A timely reminder and opportunity to add healthy portions of fruits and veggies to your healthy living plan. Recipes and video included!

A bunch of years ago I stumbled upon Nancy, the star of Ernie Bushmiller's comic strip of the same name, "Nancy." As I remember it, Nancy was pictured with a box of cookies in one hand and a hammer in the other. Her aunt was yelling from another room. "Don't spoil your appetite. Dinner will…

This morning, when I read that the King of Kings Statue, a.k.a. Touchdown Jesus or Big Butter Jesus, which lived on the grounds of Solid Rock church was reportedly struck by lightening at midnight on June 15, I thought "what a coincidence." .....

Thirsting for BLOOD? True Blood "V" Cocktail, that is. I thought it would be fun to kick off the summer Vampire Juice Season with a True Blood Type "V" Cocktail. Enjoy!!!!

I ran into the Buddha on the Road to Sveltesville, and I said, "Buddha, I've been thinking that I great way to begin to lose weight would be to eliminate high fat and sugary foods. What do you think?" And the Buddha replied, "Maybe!" What did the Buddha mean? .... Here follows some new thinking…

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