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Our Lady of Weight Loss
Our Lady of Weight Loss
Feeling a Bit Like a Puffy Blimp?
Janice Taylor, Editor
Is the heroine of our puzzle a fashion victim, screaming from the sheer frustration of it all or just a bit puff-ed out from too many margaritas with salt, sushi dipped in soy sauce and/or popcorn sprinkled heavily with salt? In other words, someone who is feeling a bit blimpy? Instant help is on the…
More on Water – Part II: Water Fights Bad Breath
Janice Taylor, Editor
Further yesterday’s Water – PART I, where we learned that water is a natural appetite suppressant and helps us to digest our food. It even promotes weight loss and helps the body to metabolize fat into energy, I’d like to take this time to point out some of the other virtues of water. Water ……
Water: A Holy Life Force (Part I)
Janice Taylor, Editor
Water: A Holy Life Force (Parrt I) I’m betting y’all know the importance of water, the most plentiful liquid on earth. Water covers approximately 70 percent of the earth’s surface and is an essential component in most living things. Our bodies are more than 75 percent water, our blood is more than 80 percent water,…
The SECRET to Waking up, Springing Out of Bed and Raising Your Arms to the Sky, “AMEN! I am soooo happy to WAKE UP!”
Janice Taylor, Editor
Many people tell me that they have difficulty getting up and getting going. They really ‘want to’ wake up in the best possible way; spring out of bed all happy and ready to go! (Woo hoo! Yea Day!) They tell me that they are trying! (Ought oh … you all know my view on trying:…
It’s a Toony Tuesday: I Can See Clearly Now
Janice Taylor, Editor
As we know, music activates the same feel good part of your brain that food does! In search of that fab feeling, we’ve started discussing, listing and listening to our favorite, uplifting tunes in the OLofWL’s Kick in the Tush Club community.This pick – I Can See Clearly Now by Jimmy Cliff – is from…
A Miracle of Clearing Proportions!
Janice Taylor, Editor
Praise Be and Thanks to Karen Kingston, author of Clearing Sacred Space with Feng Shui, who through her brilliant pages, gave to me the precious gift of permission to … (drum roll please) Permission to Let go of and Get Rid of Unwanted Gifts. I understand that gifts are a sensitive issue. For goodness sake,…
How Curious Are You?
Janice Taylor, Editor
Curiosity: An Antidote to Eating Due to Boredom For those of us who eat out of boredom (too many of us to count, yes?), it’s time to get curious about our curiosity muscles. “Curious muscle?” you ask. Yes, we all have one to one degree or another. Some more than less and some less than…
Stressed to Your Last Nerve? (How to Pray, Chant and Play it away.)
Janice Taylor, Editor
Are you stressed? Irritable? Having trouble sleeping? Do you feel like screaming? Crying? Pouring a jug of water over your boss’s head? We all feel stressed from time to time, so it is essential to have an arsenal of coping mechanisms at hand. Instead of heading for the refrigerator, here are some stress management tips…
Bible Passages that will Fuel You on Your Weight Loss Journey
Janice Taylor, Editor
Chewing the Fat … Our Lady of Weight Loss and Dave Chew the Fat … and passages from the Bible appear! Dear Our Lady of Weight Loss ~ I gave up the beer and started working at a gym. I lost my beer belly and replaced it with a 6 pack of abs. I started…
Janice Taylor’s FORGIVENESS GIVEAWAY; Win Valuable Prizes NOW!
Janice Taylor, Editor
Janice Taylor’s FORGIVENESS GIVEAWAY…Answer this question: What foods do you find irresistible? leave your comment below … and you could WIN big!In honor of the release of my new book (on May 15) – All Is Forgiven, Move On: Our Lady of Weight Loss’s 101 Fat-Burning Steps on Your Journey to Sveltesville and my birthday…
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