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Our Lady of Weight Loss
Our Lady of Weight Loss
Janice Taylor, Editor
While you are busy steaming your veggies, how about some positive self-esteem talk? Be sure to compliment yourself at least three times a day! I love my NuYawk accent. Look at me – steamin’ and e-steemin’. I am great! I’m a good person. I just smiled when my mother said, “You’re not giving away your…
Pious Project: Great Expectations Garlic-Grater Place Cards
Janice Taylor, Editor
Create your very first piece of (fun and oh so easy to make) weight loss art! Fun level: 10 / Skill level: 1 Weight Loss Art is something that you create that is about food or the permanent fat removal* process. Take it from me, a 50 pound big-time-loser, it’s hard to eat if there’s…
A Magical Combo: Hump-Day Tune & Waldorf Salad
Janice Taylor, Editor
It’s HUMP-DAY, Wednesday … here’s some music to get us through the day! And a healthy and delicious recipe from Our Lady of Weight Loss: Miraculous and Motivational Musings from the Patron Saint of Permanent Fat Removal!Waldorf Salad a la Our Lady Ingredients: 4 apples, unpeeled, cored and chopped into bite-size pieces (about 3 cups)…
A Tuesday Tasty Tidbit: Freeze the Fat Away
Janice Taylor, Editor
Want to wake up fast? Give your metabolize a boost? And force the toxins and oils out of your skin? Take a cold shower. Yikes! I know, freezing cold is excruciatingly painful. So here’s what to do. Start off with a hot shower. Ease your way into cold. After you are feeling comfortable (but not…
Thigh to Thigh Love
Janice Taylor, Editor
Self-love and weight loss go hand-in-hand and thigh-to-thigh, if you will. I know how it feels not to like myself and to lead a life of compromise. It’s a big, fat drag. And now I know how it feels to like – even love myself. I promise you, it’s a whole lot better and there’s…
How queer everything is to-day! – Sunday’s Puzzle
Janice Taylor, Editor
Sunday Puzzle Jigsaw Puzzle It has been said that weight loss (a.k.a. Permanent Fat Removal) is puzzling – a puzzlement – a puzzle. Alas, Sunday puzzles are here, complete with a message to inspire and lead you on the Road to Sveltesville (Our Lady of Weight Loss’s home town). “How queer everything is to-day! And…
Is SHE Nuts?
Janice Taylor, Editor
As I was cracking open, sucking the salt off of and munching on sunflower seeds and feeling my lips swell from the salt to the point where lip augmentation is no longer necessary (thus, saving thousands of dollars and needless pain), I thought, “Are you nuts? Nuts and seeds are high in calories and fat.…
Less Fat, More Money
Janice Taylor, Editor
The Chinese New Year The Year of the Rat is here, and before you run for the hills, STOP! . . .take in a deep breath, clear your mind of any preconceived notions about the rat and consider this. The rat is quick minded and is in the habit of gathering valuables and saving them…
Our Lady of Weight Loss Appears and Sexy Veggies Emerge
Janice Taylor, Editor
Who is Our Lady of Weight Loss? Our Lady of Weight Loss is the patron saint of permanent fat removal. She first made herself known to me during one of those group meetings where people obsess about food and the scale. (You know which meetings I’m referring to, yes? Most of us have been there…
Is it a voice, a vision or Our Lady of Weight Loss?
Janice Taylor, Editor
Oh Boy! Siggy wrote me and asked a very good question: “How did you know it was Our Lady of Weight Loss and not just a ‘voice?” Well, at first I thought it was just some random voice, but when I got home from that very first meeting and started cutting and pasting and creating…
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