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Our Lady of Weight Loss
Our Lady of Weight Loss
Kick in the Tush Tuesday: 9 Fat-Melting Summertime Tips
Janice Taylor, Editor
Now that Memorial Day Weekend has come and gone and the official start of the beach season has kicked into gear, I thought it time to share my favorite summertime recipe for happiness. These 9 tips can help you to levitate through life, smiling every ounce of the weigh! 1. Walking Meditation. Tune Into Yourself. …
Anti-Gravity Salad: Baby Spinach and Apple
Janice Taylor, Editor
Gravity, as you surely remember, is the attractive force between objects. The number of the scales of injustice measures that force. The higher the number, the more the very attractive force between you and Earth. Gravity holds you to planet Earth. As you weigh less, you reduce its effects. You are free to fly, to…
#OneWord Thursday: Step Into a Square of #Sunshine
Janice Taylor, Editor
Dearest Tushkateers, I find myself, today, sitting under gray. No floating clouds, no variations in hue, nor a hint of sunlight; 360 degrees of light gray. While I appreciate the color gray, in all its glory, and say to myself, “this is a simple sky to paint or photograph; use this gray as your inspiration…
Chewing the Fat: Will Artificial Sweeteners Kill Me?
Janice Taylor, Editor
Tushkateer Peg wants to know if her addiction to Diet Coke will kill her? Will the artificial sweeteners kill her? Read on and weigh-in! What’s your take on the artificial killer question? Dear OLofWL ~ Is diet soda as bad as ‘they’ say? Will it make me crave sugar even though there’s none in it…
Kick in the Tush Tuesday: How Being Silly Intensifys Charisma
Janice Taylor, Editor
As a 50-pound big-time loser, I understand the importance of play and its role (not jelly roll) in Permanent Fat Removal. Being playful most definitely improves your health and your well-being. Being Playful: 1. provides a ‘time-out’ from stressful situations, 2. lifts your mood and emotions, 3. boosts your immunity, 4. strengthens and intensifies your…
Puzzled? Experience WeightLessNess Beloved Crazy One!
Janice Taylor, Editor
Dearest Tushkateers (members of the KITT Club) and Devotees of Our Lady of Weight Loss, How are you on this amazingly possibility filled, WeightLess Monday? Ready to experience the full weight of WeightLessNess? As you click through this week’s Get Jiggy Weight Loss JigSaw Puzzle, entitled: Experience WeightLessNess: Slow Down Beloved Crazy One, contemplate how experiencing…
#OneWord Thursday: A Platter of #Gratitude to Feast On
Janice Taylor, Editor
Gratitude is being able to deeply appreciate all that one has without holding onto it for dear life. I say “Thank you,” and I let it go. OMG Tushkateers (members of the Kick in the Tush Club) and Devotees of Our Lady of WeightLessNess (a.k.a. Our Lady of Weight Loss), Guess what! I am in…
#IAmSuffering – Are You?
Janice Taylor, Editor
Are You Suffering? The ‘agreed upon reality’ is that in order for you to lose weight that you must suffer. The consensus of opinion is that slimming down requires an inordinate amount of effort, self-discipline, and tremendous effort. Ugh! Yes? No? Maybe? Do you believe that you must suffer? Do you agree that permanent fat…
Kick in the Tush Tuesday: How Seriously Selfish Are You?
Janice Taylor, Editor
Tushkateers, Seriously, how selfish are you? Because…People tell me that they just don’t have time to take care of themselves; they say that there’s no time to do things that they need to do for themselves to be fully happy and healthy. They tell me that if they were to take care of themselves first…
VIDEO – Mother’s Day Message from 92 year old Queen of Cake
Janice Taylor, Editor
This video is from the Kick in the Tush Club archives. A video starring my mother, Harriet Taylor, who passed away in January 2013 at the 96 years young. We shot this video when she was 92 years young. It’s such a grand video, and she is such a natural, so funny and real,…
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