Our Lady of Weight Loss

What is Our Lady of Weight Loss’s Number One Rule that you seriously need to adhere to, stick to, follow, think about, ingest–to Successful Weight Loss? Make your home a “safe haven!” What does that mean?  What does a “Safe Haven” look like?  It is minus the temptation!  Think about that while you click through…

If you are wondering, what IS the sexiest vegetable of all, I’m here to tell you, “The Cucumber, of course!” As most of you know, it’s been well over ten years (closing in on 12 years, actually!!!) since I permanently removed over 50 pounds with Our Lady of Weight Loss by my side.  Part of…

Mysterious and magical things happen when we open our hearts and minds; when we see life “as it is;” as it truly is, without judgment, without surrender or resignation, without running away from, without story. Let go of the fight.  Simply be the observer of what is. Recognize, harmonize, be in accord, fall together, happen…

Want to Lose It?  Then…Sacrifice Your Twinkie. Plain and Simple!!  Do not keep any of the devil’s food in your home.  Get rid of it NOW!  Throw it out, give it to a neighbor, donate it to your local church, ship it overseas. Get rid of it NOW! No, not later. NOW!  Keeping it would…

Helloooooo Tushkateers! How are you on this fine mid-June day?  I am well, and awake; even energized!  I’ve been decluttering (again and again still), tossing like mad.  Letting go of “stuff” and things; and the more I toss, the lighter and freer I feel.  My windowsill is clear (again)–clear sailing for the eye to travel…

This morning, I took a very early morning walk to Dunkin’ Donuts for a cuppa coffee (could you believe we ran out, here, at home…oy!). I made my way to the front of the line, to the counter.  And, as I was ordering a small cuppa light, the alien that lives inside, she who sounds…

Are you looking for the best Father’s Day recipe ever?  Something good to serve on Sunday (or any other day for that matter) that falls into the “comfort food” and “healthy eating” and “lose it” categories?  Yes?  (If not, think it through. Apparently, you are reading this blog–the Our Lady of Weight Loss, the patron…

As a Life Coach and Weight Loss Success Coach, I see, hear and feel people judging themselves and others consistently, continually, constantly, relentlessly in negative, unfair and harmful ways.  #Judgment, Oy! Take heed:  If you want to permanently let go of, rid thyself of your excess weight, lose weight, slim down (call it whatever you…

When was the last time you had a side-splitting belly laugh?  A tear inducing, stomach aching, diaphragm exercising laugh?  I can tell you when I did, for sure, because I was ever so grateful for it, into it, aware of it and one with it! It was a mere 10 days ago.  I was floating…

Good Day Tushkateers!  Greetings, Salutations, Happy June and more! Yes, it’s been a few weeks since last we met (via a fully loaded Kick in the Tush Club e-letter)!  There was the Memorial Day weekend; followed by a rather long trip to Tucson, and then–OMG–a jaunty expedition to Virginia!  And now, just back, I sit,…

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