Happy Global Warming??? Tushkateers!!!  I am racked with guilt, Tushkateers!  HELP!  Here we are – closing in on mid-January – and the temperatures are still (praise be) unseasonably warm, and intellectually I know that this can not be a good thing, but – at the same time – I can’t wipe the smile off my…

I’ve been thinking.  Can you smell the wood burning?  (Something my father used to say.)   Yes, I’ve been thinking about resolutions and why it is that so many people start out on fire but ultimately  fail to reach their goals. Why is it that enthusiasm and motivation tend to wax and wane right out the…

Alice came to a fork in the road. “Which road do I take?” she asked. “Where do you want to go?” responded the Cheshire cat. “I don’t know,” Alice answered. “Then,” said the cat, “it doesn’t matter.” ~Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland In this moment of reflection, which the New Year often provides, I offer…

This morning, I took a look at my ‘to-do’ list and screamed.  Okay, I didn’t really scream but there was an audible sigh!  So much to do, so little time!  How am I – how are YOU – going to manage to get it all done within a few short weeks?  Before Chanukah, Christmas and…

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