How often do you weigh yourself?  Does the number freak you out?  If it’s up, do you eat (more)?  If it’s down, do you eat (more)?  What to do? Giving up is not an option.  Nor is freaking out. Here’s some information from Our Lady of Weight Loss that puts a positive and happy spin…

People tell me, “I don’t have the time to … “… go to the store and pick up fruits and vegetables. “… exercise.”  “… sit and breathe.” “… to be positive.” Really?  Too busy to be positive? Surely, you can clear a scant 30 seconds to do something positive for yourself, can’t you? If thinking…

This morning, while writing my cheery good morning note to Tushkateers across the land (see Kick in the Tush Club; you too can be a Tushkateer!), I included the following quote from Mark Twain, which I absolutely adore.  I hope you will, too. Habit is habit, and not to be flung out of the window…

“When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be.” ~  Lao Tzu While ‘networking’ at a breakfast gathering, I paid attention to how I introduced myself to others.  Sometimes I was “Janice Taylor, Life and Wellness Coach, Hypnotherapist.”  Sometimes I was, “Janice Taylor, creator of the Kick in the Tush…

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