My friend, Tammy, told me that one summer, when she was a kid, she went to marine biology camp. And …  while wearing rubber hip boots, she got stuck in the mud. The more she struggled to pull herself out, the deeper she sank! Her instructor told her to do something different. He said, “Lie…

Have you ever made a mistake?  (Of course, you have!  Who hasn’t?) Have you ever repeated the same mistake; you know – made ‘it’ again? (Of course, you have!  Who hasn’t?) Are you curious to know why people make mistakes?  And why they repeat mistakes?   Would you like to stop making mistakes? More often than…

Dear Our Lady of Weight Loss ~ What do you do after you lose weight (almost 100 lbs), and then start gaining it back (almost 30 lbs. back)?  I am still working out, which is a good thing. How do I get my weight loss groove back???????? It was almost effortless before.  I so realize…

When you hold resentment toward another, you are bound to that person or condition by an emotional link that is stronger than steel. Forgiveness is the only way to dissolve that link and get free. ~ Catherine Ponder How Much Dead Weight Are You Carrying Around With You? I’d read about a teacher who asked…

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