Did you know that approximately ninety percent of Americans believe in God? Yes, it’s true and many people also feel that God has a unique purpose for their lives. Their sense of the divine and their sense of destiny are entwined. What is your call or destiny? What makes your heart sing? What in life…

Feeling stressed? Depressed? Overweight? Help is on the way! Janice Taylor, Beliefnet blogger brings word to you from the far side … Australia! A new Queensland University of Technology study suggests that breathing can be a highly effective alternative to drugs when treating anxiety and depression. As we know, anxiety and depression often lead to…

Are you stressed? Irritable? Having trouble sleeping? Do you feel like screaming? Crying? Pouring a jug of water over your boss’s head? We all feel stressed from time to time, so it is essential to have an arsenal of coping mechanisms at hand. Instead of heading for the refrigerator, here are some stress management tips…

Just hours after falling from grace, from an expected sure thing, to second place in the Britain’s Got Talent finals, Susan Boyle was whisked off in an ambulance to a London clinic under police escort, reportedly for treatment of exhaustion. Sources say that she was upset and angry after her defeat. One can only imagine…

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