A sneeze zooms out of your mouth at over 100 m.p.h. and then ‘it’ LANDS with a thud on door knobs, hand railings, elevator buttons, grocery carts, telephones … on anything and everything that you mindlessly and automatically touch on through the day, several times a day!!! Now, I don’t mean to breathe or sneeze…

Chewing the Fat: Susan K. Perry, Ph.D., Creating In Flow blogger for Psychology Today and Janice Taylor, author, blogger, weight loss coach dish the dirt, chew the fat, and talk ‘creative weight loss.’! THE INTERVIEW: Get Creative, Lose Weight, Find Flow & Happiness At first, I couldn’t find the connection. Janice Taylor, a friend and…

This week’s Weight Loss Art was inspired by an amazing dish of Kimchi (Korean Spicy Cabbage) that I so enjoyed! It’s spicy flavor left me seeing ‘red!’ And FYI … spicy foods are great for voiding a desire for something sweet. Try this Kimchi Recipe! More Fat-Burning Diet Tips: EMOTIONAL EATING ALERT! QUIZ: Are YOU…

As stated in the New York Times and The Huffington Post, President Bush turned to Slim Fast and Jenny Craig to rationalize the use of dietary manipulation on detainees. From The Huffington Post: In a footnote to a May 10, 2005, memorandum from the Office of Legal Council, the Bush attorney general’s office argued that…

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