The Holiday Diet (a.k.a. the 28 Day CURE): Wake Up Thinner, Happier and more Energized on New Year’s Day This newly energized 28 day e-course (a.k.a. 28 day e-CURE) is sure to be the best cure ever. Start Date: Tues., Dec. 4. Space is limited: sign up early! – Register Before November 23: $49.90, and……

Hellooooooo Tushkateers!   Our Lady of Weight Loss and I are happy to report that we made it through the storm.  The major flooding was south and east of us – east by 3 blocks. As the wind ripped its way down our street, taking netting and minor bits n’ pieces of scaffolding with it,…

As Our Lady of Weight Loss traveled the Path to Sveltesville, she encouraged those who traveled with her to open their hearts and tune into abundance. “Take in a deep cleansing breath,” she said, “On the inhale, open your heart.  On the out breath, tune into abundance.” And so they did, one by one.  Those…

Got the Fat Belly Blues?  Has your mid-section grown a section of its own? You’re not alone. Researchers have found that the fat cells in the abdomen produce a hormone called neuropeptide Y (NPY), an appetite stimulant previously believed to originate form the brain. Fortunately, scientists have also found that certain foods do fight belly…

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