Good Day TUSHKATEERS!!! Are YOU ready?  Are you READY to shed worry and shed the pounds that accompany it?  GREAT!!! Because, I have a number of Shed Worry/Shed Pounds Tips to share with you today!  BUT .. Before I share my long, happy, fun and playful ‘shedding’ list, I have to give credit where…

Are ‘cravings’ a gateway to binging? It’s worse than we thought!  “They” (as in researchers and scientists) tell us that not only can giving into cravings tip the Scales of Injustice into the wrong direction, but food cravings have been known to trigger binge-eating episodes, which can in turn contribute to obesity and eating disorders.…

A friend confessed that she frequently, throughout the day and sometimes throughout the night, visits her refrigerator, tugging on its door – opening and closing it – looking for an answer.  Sometimes she looks in the vegetable bin – sometimes in the egg crate or in the freezer.  She even looks under the ice trays. …

Today’s Weight Loss Tip falls into the “Oh Yeah, but … “ column. “Oh yeah, I know that portion control is the ‘secret’ to not packing on the pounds.” “Oh Yeah, I know that small plates are a great idea and one-bowl eating is the way (weigh) to go.” Oh Yeah, I know BUT ……

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