This morning, while writing my cheery good morning note to Tushkateers across the land (see Kick in the Tush Club; you too can be a Tushkateer!), I included the following quote from Mark Twain, which I absolutely adore.  I hope you will, too. Habit is habit, and not to be flung out of the window…

Dear OLofWL ~ I can’t even begin to tell you how discouraged I am.  Soooo discouraged.  I got on the scale this morning, and I’ve only lost 2 pounds over the past two weeks.  This is slower than molasses!  I don’t know if I can take it!!! Slap me, kick me – please say something! …

Here is a Tasty Tidbit from  Our Lady of Weight Loss, the patron said of permanent fat removal! While searching the Internet for interesting food facts, I stumbled upon one that gave pause for thought. “The average chocolate bar has 8 insect legs in it.”  I cringed!  Big time!  And I wondered and am curious…

Stop saying the following words and/or phrases and you will lose it!!! Sometimes, we unknowingly toss words and phrases about  that  can and do have a negative impact.  I thought it ‘utterly useful’ to review some of these words today. Tune into your self-talk, lose the following phrases, and smile! “Do or Do not. There…

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