When we are energized, feeling good, hydrated, smiling and breathing in the poetry of life, we are less likely to gravitate towards food as a form of self-medication and more likely to open up to living la vida feliz … The Happy Life. Here follows four sure-fire ways to get your energy on the rise…

There is no doubt that we are in crisis. And yes, President Obama has assembled a kick-tush team of experts, and while these experts are diligently working day and night to implement a stimulus package to re-kindle the economy, I suspect they are so bogged down in financial flow charts that they haven’t stopped to…

Hi everyone! This week’s jigsaw puzzle was inspired by Barbie’s 50th Anniversary! Have fun getting jiggy! For more Barbie fun: 1959 Barbie Commercial!!! Barbie Turns 50: home photos! Be sure to ‘tune into’ … Profound Paths to Health, Healing and Happiness. Spread the word … NOT the icing! Janice ———————————————————————————- Janice Taylor is a Life…

Good News!!! Janice Taylor (the voice of Our Lady of Weight Loss) is participating in a GREAT tele-seminar series, along with the following speakers. There’s no charge! Be sure to mark your calendars and TUNE-IN for the following talks! Week 1 – 3/3 Guy Finley is one of the most highly acclaimed self-realization and human…

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