It’s a YUM MONDAY!!!!… Snowing like MAD in NYC and it’s Dr. Seuss’s birthday! What an awesome combo.In honor of the great Dr. Seuss here follows my infamous GREEN EGGS n’ HAM Recipe! (See below for more recipe links to a variety of recession proof meals and more!!!)Green Eggs and Hamà la Our Lady of…

Morning All, I am inspired by the emails that I am receiving from y’all telling me what you are giving up and/or adding to your lives during Lent (the 40-day liturgical season that begins on Ash Wednesday and concludes at the Great Vigil of Easter), thus, the above Our Lady of Lent! Some are giving…

Batter Up!!! Pancake Tuesday known also as Fat Tuesday or Mardi Gras, is celebrated the day before the beginning of Lent. This is the time that we remember the forty days that Jesus spent in the desert. It is also known as Shrove Tuesday, from the word shriven, which means ‘you are cleansed of your…

A TASTY TIDBIT from the “Fill Up On Happiness e-Diet CURE.” Before you can fill up on happiness, you need to clear out the cobwebs. Join with us as we declutter our minds, physical environments and bodies and make room for happiness!!! I’ve been wearing a fat suit since birth. (Or was – best to…

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