Yes, friends, it’s time for the SMA. Seasonal Music Award – something I created just this minute (if it already exists … please don’t tell me; let me enjoy the glory of believing that I had an original thought).In honor of Chanukah, today’s SMA : Seasonal Music Award goes to… drum roll please!Hanukkah in Santa…

Yesterday was one of those days. At approximately 7:30 a.m. my 92 year-young mother, Harriet, called me and said, “I’m going to the hospital in about twenty minutes. I called the super to take me; I’m not up to driving myself. He’s taking his kids to school first, and then he’ll come and get me.”…

Non-Emotional Spirit Sappers! by Janice Taylor, Life & Wellness Coach and 50 pound big-time-loser. Sometimes things get in our way and weigh us down, stop us from moving forward, muck up the works and inadvertently send us to the fridge, and these things may have nothing whatsoever to do with our emotions. Some of these…

Slim Down While You Laugh It Up! by Janice Taylor Did you know that laughter~ * Reduces levels of certain stress hormones. * Boosts the immune system. * May lead to hiccupping but will dislodge mucus plugs from the respiratory tract! (Oh, how appealing!) * Gives you a full body workout (works the diaphragm and…

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