In this New Year, 2014, let’s… Look at the sunny side of everything. Think happy, healthy and prosperous thoughts. Speak health, happiness and prosperity to all you meet. Be enthusiastic. Greet every creature you meet with a smile. Live in faith. Dream big. Reinvent yourself. Be true to the best that is in you. Evolve!…

Happy Thanksgiving, Happy Chanukah, Happy Thanksgiviukkah one and all!!!  As Thanksgiving is about giving thanks and expressing gratitude, I thought I’d reprint a crowd favorite on the benefits of gratitude! Read, ingest, and think gratitude! THE HAPPY, HEALTHY and SLIMMING BENEFITS OF GRATITUDE It is our habit, our way of being, to quickly get accustomed…

Remember: No one has read the script that you have written for them; nor have you read the script that they have written for you. Holidays are essentially just like any other day. They are filled with their ups, downs, glitches and unexpected happenings. Whatever your expectations, I invite you to lower them now!!! And…

How are you going to survive Halloween without gaining weight?  By clicking your way (weigh) through! Keeping both your mind and your hands busy is one fab strategy that works! Click through Halloween Orange! Send Halloween Orange, the e-card to a friend! How will you navigate the holidaze craze?  What strategies do you have in…

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