Commitment unlocks the doors of imagination, allows vision, and gives us the “right stuff” to turn our dreams into reality. ~ James Womack I had a curious conversation with star client CM … I asked CM, “On a scale from 0 to 10 (ten being the highest), how important is it to you to lose…

A most excellent “Coach Yourself Happy” question from Janice Taylor, Life & Happiness Coach, Weight Loss Expert (that’s me) to kick start this kick tush week:   If you were to “Delight in All Aspects of Creation,” which creations would you specifically delight in that you would not ordinarily take delight in? As you click through…

The first coach-yourself-happy question of the day I’d like to pose – is “What 6 things bring joy to your heart, a sense of satisfaction to your soul and energy to your body?”  In other words, “What 6 things can I do today that will boost my energy and keep happiness and hope alive?” Seriously,…

Are you ready to focus on How to #Manifest what you want, what you really, really want! It’s been the theme of this week and last week for Our Lady of Weight Loss, and me too, and you too?  We (OLofWL and I) have been reviewing that which we have individually and collectively manifested and…

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