Slow down, take pleasure in the simple things of life, heal your soul from the wounds caused by the fast pace of society.  ~ Martin Suarez *** Good Day Tushkateers!  How are you on this glorious day; this most magnificent, splendid, spectacular day?  Are you aware of and slowly taking in the changes?  The slow…

This week’s Get Jiggy Weight Loss JigSaw Puzzle was inspired by “Extreme Happiness.”   Our Lady of Weight Loss defines Extreme Happiness as a supremely happy state of mind that brings forth feelings of elation, euphoria, joy, and bliss. There’s nothing specific that you can do to create Extreme Happiness.  It seemingly comes out of nowhere. …

We’ve all heard that it’s best to feel them—to fully experience them—rather than stuff them down, bury ‘em deep within.  We’re talking about #Emotions!!! Why?  Because when we suppress our feelings we are simply “trying” to be happy.  And we all know that “trying” doesn’t cut it.  As Yoda so wisely said, ” Do.  Or…

Today’s Get Jiggy Weight Loss JigSaw Puzzle, A Year of Miracles, was inspired by an amazing quote from Pablo Picasso! “Everything is a miracle.  It is a miracle that one does not dissolve in one’s bath like a lump of sugar.” ~ Pablo Picasso I vote, as does Our Lady of Weight Loss, the patron…

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