Greetings, Hello, Hola, Que Pasa Tushkateers!?!  I know, I know…I wasn’t going to send out the BIG Tuesday Kick in the Tush again till after Labor Day weekend ’cause I’m on a vacation of sorts (vacation from doing too much–determined to just hang out, float, look for mountain lions, et cetera), but this morning, while…

“Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it.   Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many.   Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders.  Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. But…

Over the past few decades, research shows that one of the most powerful vehicles, one of the most potent tools, to get you “there,” the place that you so desire to be, where life is good and you have achieved your goals (permanent weight removal and otherwise) is hope! Optimism, positivity, passion, inspiration are all…

Remember the old days when folks thought chocolate caused acne, rotted your teeth and made you fat?   Boy-oh-boy, were they misguided or what?! Scientists now tell us that dark chocolate (the kind that contains 70% cocoa solids) is good for us! It’s contains more magnesium than any other natural source.  Magnesium deficiency is linked to…

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