Wake UP!!!!!!!!! Tushkateers!  Guess what I did this morning, first thing?  Yes, I Woke UP!  HA!!!  Seriously Tushkateers, I woke up on the right side of bed.  I jumped out of bed (slight exaggeration), made my way to my office (groggilly, coffee in hand), and then…(drum roll please)…I noticed and appreciated the clutter-free windowsill (major…

“I believe in roses. And I believe in putting roses into a vase and sitting the vase on the table. I believe in getting lost and being found, I believe in going barefoot, and in laughter! My religion is to laugh at myself, whenever I can!  I believe in the sunlight and in grey skies…

Our inner guidance comes to us through our feelings and body wisdom first — not through intellectual understanding. ~ Christiane Northrup Because thoughts come from our head, and said thoughts tend to be loud (very loud), we are inclined to live there – in our heads. What happens when we live in our heads? We…

Our confidence, or lack of, affects how we experience life, and what actions we take based on that experience.  When we are confident in who we are; when we feel good about ourselves, we make better choices, healthier choices.  We create a better life, a happier life. Confidence is extremely important aspect in our lives.…

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