You are a star. Own It!  Our Lady of Weight Loss is 100% sure that you are a star. Feel confident in your stardom. Flaunt it, baby! It’s not only okay to own it – it’s the right thing to do! 7 Ways to Burn Bright: 1.  Let your uniqueness show. 2.  Do what pleases…

I am having the most marvelous holiday season ever!  Seriously, I am!  It’s not that something grand or out-of-the-ordinary has happened.  On balance, it’s not so different than last year or the year before.  But somehow it feels different.  I suspect the reason I am so very happy has to do with my planning on…

Chances are you’ve heard the expression, “When you smile, the whole world smiles with.”  Well, it’s true.  Our emotions are contagious and a happy smile can go a long way! The science of this phenomenon dates back to 400 B.C., when Hippocrates, the founder of medicine, observed that some women seem to transfer ‘hysteria” to…

One strategy that is sure to help you wake up thinner on new year’s day is to eat an apple 15 minutes before your meals! According to researchers at the University of Pennsylvania, you can reduce your calorie intake by 15% by eating an apple 15 minutes before your meal! Apparently, the apple boosts your…

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