While reading through all the holiday season tips given by me and others that range from how to resist the urge to stuff yourself silly to not overspend your weigh (Freudian slip) into bankruptcy, I realized that somewhere between the my shopping list and vacuuming, how being sexy has fallen off the grid, out of…

One of the best things you can do for yourself and for everyone around you is to smile. Smiling brings oxygen to your brain, immediately makes you feel better, and sends out comforting messages to others. Smiling pulls people in nice and close. 72% of people think that those who smile frequently are confident and…

As we head into December, with our extra long to do list in one hand, and invitations to holiday parties and feasts of plenty in the other hand, I thought it might be utterly useful to know what foods keep the energy flowing strong and happy! Research shows that nutrition does alter the production or…

How are you on this fine morning?  Did you wake up and say, “I’m alive!” with reverence, acknowledging that each new day is a miracle?  Me neither!  Not first thing, anyway.  A rather large honkin’ vehicle road past my NYC window (oh, the joys of the big city) and let out a whistle/honk, call it…

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