Dramatically Increase Your Ability to Survive Swine Flu Avoid airplanes, subways, confined spaces and BOOST YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM!!! Imagine that your immune system is your own personal army. Your troops guard against attacks from ‘alien’ forces, and they defend against invaders. If we ignore, abandon or mistreat this system, it weakens. However, when we take…

A sneeze zooms out of your mouth at over 100 m.p.h. and then ‘it’ LANDS with a thud on door knobs, hand railings, elevator buttons, grocery carts, telephones … on anything and everything that you mindlessly and automatically touch on through the day, several times a day!!! Now, I don’t mean to breathe or sneeze…

I am uncharacteristically in a ‘bad’ mood. I woke up at 3:45 a.m. with a banger of a headache; my husband has the flu and is coughing up a storm (I sure hope I don’t catch it), and when I made my sacred morning cup of coffee and sat down at the dining room table…

It’s St. Patrick’s Day and this blogger is curious how the color green is going to affect her day. The Psychodynamics of Green by Janice Taylor Color can create balance and harmony within us, on all levels: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Each color has its own unique frequency of electromagnetic energy that passes through…

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