This morning this Beliefnet WEIGHT LOSS GURU got on the Scales of Injustice and weighed-in 3 pounds UP for no reason. I SWEAR!!! Truly, no reason … And even though, I know that there is no real reason for this to be happening. (Let me say it again, truly no real reason. I’ve had a…

Oh Me, Oh My! “IT” came out of NOWHERE … I was feeling absolutely fine one moment and the very next I was overcome with aches, pains, fever, stuffy nose, cough! And I couldn’t remember if I was supposed to feed ‘it’ or starve ‘it.’ So, I crawled into bed with my laptop and a…

Birthday of the Unconquered Sun by Janice Taylor I was chatting with a few of my weight loss clients about the holiday season. Inquiring, of course, how they were going to celebrate their holiday, whether it be Christmas, or Chanukah, or Kwanzaa or the New Year. Perhaps Festivus? One word led to another and the…

Non-Emotional Spirit Sappers! by Janice Taylor, Life & Wellness Coach and 50 pound big-time-loser. Sometimes things get in our way and weigh us down, stop us from moving forward, muck up the works and inadvertently send us to the fridge, and these things may have nothing whatsoever to do with our emotions. Some of these…

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