The Birds Sing a Song of Hope from Janice Taylor, Beliefnet Blogger. I had the immense pleasure of attending my first Quaker meeting a few weeks ago. As it was explained to me, Quakers believe that the “inner light of God” is available to all. The services are called “meetings.” Believers sit and wait in…

<img alt="ART%20Stop.jpg" src="" width="293" height="450" style="float:left;margin7px;" The Laws of Unattraction: Top 10 Appealing, Eye-Catching and Attractive Tips On How to STOP Being Unattractive from Janice Taylor, Beliefnet Blogger. Chances are you’ve heard about the Laws of Attraction. The basic concept is that you attract into your life whatever you think about. Positive thoughts and beliefs…

The GREAT book giveaway! Answer this really great, fun question: What is your favorite food scene in a movie? … and you could WIN a signed copy of the greatest permanent fat removal book ever written. “All Is Forgiven, Move On: Our Lady of Weight Loss’s 101 Fat-Burning Steps on Your Journey to Sveltesville .…

As I travel the road to Sveltesville and share my new book, All Is Forgiven, Move On and chew the fat with Our Lady of Weight Loss fans, one of the comments I have repeatedly heard is this: “I wish I were a naturally thin person.” The Naturally Thin (TNT) -or- Fake It Till You…

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