Our Lady of Weight Loss, the patron saint of permanent fat removal, she who has devoted a great deal of time to examining the way in which people eat, there are 10 basic eating styles - from Gulp n' Go to Totally Beige to the Food Architect. Which style is yours?

We can't blame our children for wanting to hit those devil-filled vending machines, can we? But we can take action and help put and keep our children on the healthy path! Here are some thoughtful tips on how to keep your children happy and healthy in the face of school (lunches).

Research recently published in the "Journal of Obesity" reveals that treating yourself for behavior changes (i.e. chewing slowly, using small plates, keeping your house stocked with the 'right' stuff) may ultimately help you to lose more weight than rewarding yourself based on the number on the "Scales of Injustice."

As Oscar Wilde so brilliantly put it, "Be yourself, everyone else is already taken." Some of us embrace the idea of being ourselves - a freeing concept - while others 'try' to be themselves - not exactly knowing who they are and a bit reluctant to put it out there! Here follow 8 kick-tush ways…

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