This morning, I awoke to a ridiculously cold 13 degrees.  My first thoughts were not particularly happy ones. “Geeze Louise, when I head out I am going to have to bundle up big time;  long underwear, a second pair of pants, three layers of sweaters, scarves, hats, gloves….lest I freeze my ass off.” These words,…

For death is but a passing phase of Life; A change of dress, a disrobing; A birth into the unborn again; A commencing where we ended; A starting where we stopped to rest; A crossroad of Eternity; A giving up of something, to possess all things. The end of the unreal, the beginning of the…

Because my mother had a stroke last week, and she is, so to speak, scripting her final chapter, which is currently overflowing with love, laughter and song, I can’t help but to think about life.   And as I do, as I reflect on the meaning of life, a life well-lived, a happy life, a balanced…

It has been weeks since I sent out a fully loaded Kick in the Tush e-letter.  As both Christmas and New Year’s Day fell on a Tuesday, OLWL insisted that we take off. She headed off to some beach or another with low-calorie umbrella drink and sunscreen in hand, while I headed off to the…

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