This week’s GET JIGGY Weight Loss JigSaw Puzzle is entitled “Install Empowering Habits.” I don’t know if you know this or not – but listen up – because this is a ‘learning’ that can change your life. The Learning: You cannot break a habit; you can only create new ones. The bad news:  Those old…

“Genius begins great works; labor alone finishes them.” ~ Joseph Joubert Ought oh!!!!  How genius am I if I begin great works but don’t finish them? When we say that we are going to do something (like ‘get healthy’ or ‘lose weight’), we not only set our energy into motion, but we unofficially promise ourselves…

How often do you weigh yourself?  Does the number freak you out?  If it’s up, do you eat (more)?  If it’s down, do you eat (more)?  What to do? Giving up is not an option.  Nor is freaking out. Here’s some information from Our Lady of Weight Loss that puts a positive and happy spin…

A belief system is a series of ideas that your mind has organized in order to project an image of what is ‘real.’ It encompasses everything you think about yourself, others and the world-at-large. It is filled with should have’s and ought to’s. These groups of thoughts (ideas) that we believe to be true come…

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