How do you fail? How do you fail at losing weight a.k.a. permanent fat removal or—for that matter—any other goal?  The simple answer is that you stop. You stop. You give up. You stop. You lose momentum. You stop. You may tell yourself that you are taking a break, and that you are going to…

This week’s Get Jiggy Weight Loss JigSaw Puzzle, “In Our Lady We Trust,” is inspired by Tax Day, April 15, a time for many about money! As you click through this week’s puzzle, “In Our Lady We Trust,” think riches, think money, thing problems/issues/challenges of all kinds melting away. Click the Puzzle:  In Our Lady…

What stops you? What stops you from achieving, from manifesting that which you want? What stops you, gets in your way, weighs you down? Whatever name you put to “it,” “it” is fear: fear of failure, fear of success, fear of disappointment, fear of getting hurt, of rejection, of illness, of death, or life. Today,…

What will you do when you are rich enough, thin enough, smart enough, when you have enough? Seriously, if you are not seeking more, striving, pushing, accumulating, what will you do? I’m guessing, given the culture in which we leave, a society that promotes the pursuit of mo’ money, mo’ power, mo’ accomplishments, mo’ things…

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