While thumbing through old photos with Our Lady of Weight Loss at my side, I came across “Food Journal Apples,” which I snapped while sitting on a bench in front of ABC Carpets (New York City store that inspires. If you are in town put it on the top of your list.)  I’d just come…

Whatever your goal may be, weight loss or otherwise, in order to manifest it, you’re going to need to get focused and stay focused on it. Got it? Here, today from Our Lady of Weight Loss, she who does her best to keep her eye on the prize, to stay focused and add focus, seven…

What’s important to you? What do you value? What do you care about? People have “things” (both material and immaterial) that are important to them in each and every area of their lives. In their relationships, in their work, in their environments, and about themselves. What’s important to you about you? What do you value…

What is Letting Go?  Letting go is about taking action that results in significant change in your life and/or in the lives of others. It’s about letting go of the status quo. It’s about releasing your “self” in the form of “your story,” real or imagined. Imagine what it might feel like to let go…

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