Ho, Ho – Hold on there! I know…we are but a week away from the New Year, Christmas is around the corner and it could be oh-so-easy to throw your hands up in the air and say, “It’s okay. It’s the holidays. I’ll straighten up and eat right next week!” Instead of giving into the…

Hello All!  The Goddess of Cooking Healthy and Warm Dishes (cousin to Our Lady of Weight Loss) smacked me upside my head and said, “Hey, get thy slow cooker out of the closet and get busy. Winter is the perfect time to cook up a Chick Pea Curry.  Especially on these snappy cold days!”  And…

One of the things both Our Lady of Weight Loss and I love to say about permanent weight loss a.k.a. weight removal a.k.a. slimming down (use whichever phrase fits you best) is that it is simple. That’s right. Weight loss is simple. Simple. Simple. Simple. But simple isn’t necessarily easy. Is it? Here 9 quotes…

Dear OLofWL (a.k.a. Janice), Yesterday was truly an awful day, and I realized that if I want to permanently lose weight, then I must follow the Our Lady of Weight Loss‘s “bite it/write it” rule. In other words, “If I bite it, I must write it.” I want you to know that I am upset…

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