Hi everyone! This week’s jigsaw puzzle was inspired by Barbie’s 50th Anniversary! Have fun getting jiggy! For more Barbie fun: 1959 Barbie Commercial!!! Barbie Turns 50: home photos! Be sure to ‘tune into’ … Profound Paths to Health, Healing and Happiness. Spread the word … NOT the icing! Janice ———————————————————————————- Janice Taylor is a Life…

Good News!!! Janice Taylor (the voice of Our Lady of Weight Loss) is participating in a GREAT tele-seminar series, along with the following speakers. There’s no charge! Be sure to mark your calendars and TUNE-IN for the following talks! Week 1 – 3/3 Guy Finley is one of the most highly acclaimed self-realization and human…

I just LOVE this commercial! It’s so 1959!!! Happy Birthday, Barbie.More about Barbie, Midge, Ken and Allan! Spread the word … NOT the icing!Janice———————————————————————————-Janice Taylor is a Life & Happiness Coach, specializing in weight loss, reinvention, transformation & happiness, author, seminar leader and 50-pound-BIG-Time-LOSER! Write Janice for an Introductory Coaching Session.Sign-Up for THE FILL UP…

Happy Birthday BARBIE! Dear Barbie, I miss you, Barbie. I really do, and I apologize for abruptly packing you and Ken up into your dollhouse and selling you to the kid down the street for movie and gasoline money. What can I say? Rather short-sided on my part. Well … never mind all that. I…

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