There are a few theories floating out there about the origins of St. Valentine’s Day. Here follows my favorite. It comes from Belarus*. It is believed in Belarus*, that St. Valentine’s Day originated from the story that upon rejection by his mistress, Saint Valentine was so heartbroken that he took a knife to his chest,…

Today, put the scale of injustice away and say to that voice in your mind that mocks the number and torments the soul … “shhhhhhh.” Forgive the dietary transgressions, forgive… … because with forgiveness comes empathy, understanding and forgiveness moves us out of the inner-dialogue of blame and regret. Today, put the scales of injustice…

St. Valentine’s Day is next Saturday, February 14th (as if you didn’t know), and I wanted to be sure to get your dinner menu to you now, giving you enough time to think the evening through, create your shopping list, shop and cook! Although this meal is most definitely more than this Beliefnet blogger would…

I am diligently working on my “Fill Up On Happiness” e-diet plan … launching next week! … and in so searching for happiness, I came across this one minute video that I do believe is a good way to start the day. And now … your moment of ‘ahhhhhh ‘ (NOT a-HA … just ahhhhh.)Spread…

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