Continuing the Dr. Norris and Janice ‘blog-O-sation’ … … Dr. Norris says, “OK. Stop. I’m all into making weight loss fun, but I need to get serious now. IS WHAT YOU’RE HUNGRY FOR … HEALTH? … or PLEASURE?” I don’t get it, Dr. Norris? It’s not an “either/or,” is it? I’m totally in favor of…

I am in the midst of putting my St. Valentine’s menu together. It’s loaded with aphrodisiacs!!! Caviar being one of them, which led me to an amazing Deviled Eggs recipe (topped with caviar). (See below). The instructions warned that one must hard boil their eggs correctly! Correctly??? You mean you don’t just boil them. It’s…

… continuing my ‘blog-O-sation’ with Dr. Norris … Let There Be Cake!!! Dr. Norris … speaking of mothers … have you seen the video of my 92-year-young mother, Harriet, Queen of Cake??? Oh My Goodness!!! Cake reigned supreme in our house. It was the centerpiece of all happenings and relationships. My mother baked a strawberry…

Hey Y’all …. Dr. Norris Chumley and this blogger were chatting last week on the phone (yup, on the phone – tre retro!), and we thought it would be fun to dish the dirt, chew the fat, blog-to-blog from time-to-time. You know, toss a topic back n’ forth. Dr. Norris kicked off our first “blog-O-sation”…

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